Agape Black Belt Center
This is Master Ra and I’m very PROUD that hundreds of families all over the Rochester area are singing the praises of our programs and telling their friends and neighbors how much of a positive impact it’s having on their lives.
Agape Black Belt Center has become a landmark of Rochester martial arts! Get started now and find out how you can be healthier, happier, and more confident with Agape Black Belt Center training!
Our members tell us that they feel our school is more of an institution of self-improvement, physically and mentally, rather than “just” a gym or some “activity”.
I pride myself on helping our adult members safely build muscle, quickly burn fat, gain flexibility, and release stress in a FUN, positive, and injury-free environment!
And for the children, parents all over the Rochester area give my martial arts classes credit for increasing their child’s ability to focus, building their self-esteem, and igniting a passion for self-improvement they never would have expected.
I sincerely look forward to meeting you, and helping you and your family accomplish your goals!
Chief Master
John Ra
Agape Black Belt Center’s vision is to establish ourselves in our local community as a valued place of instruction, not only in martial arts but in life. We believe that a strong and balanced physical foundation can help foster psychological, emotional, and spiritual health as well, which are just as, if not more, important to a person’s overall well-being.
Amid the distractions of social media and the demands of modern life, martial arts help you refocus. -
At Agape Black Belt Center, we create resilient martial artists that are strong in mind, body, and spirit. -
In an age of instant gratification, Agape Black Belt Center helps students master the art of patience. -
Martial arts isn’t just about reaching your black belt – it’s the perfect place for self-growth.
Agape BBC
Tigers (Ages 4-5)
HUNDREDS of parents and families in the Rochester area are singing the praises of our pre-school Taekwondo program, and telling other parents about it every day, because they’ve seen it for themselves, too.
Agape BBC
Children's TaeKwonDo (Ages 6+)
Children’s classes at Agape Black Belt Center are developed for young TaeKwonDo students in a curriculum that encourages confidence and breeds accomplishment.
Agape BBC
Youth and Adult TaeKwonDo
The youth & adult TaeKwonDo program focuses primarily on traditional and Olympic skill-based TaeKwonDo training. Our classes are an excellent way to stay fit and improve your overall mental and physical well-being.
Agape BBC
Women's Martial Arts
While women are encouraged to attend any and all of our classes, we wanted to create something that is specifically catered to the amazing women at Agape BBC.
Agape BBC
Family Taekwondo
Taekwondo саn bе lеаrnеd ѕtаrtіng аt аlmоѕt аnу аgе. Thе уоungеr сhіldren ѕtаrt рrасtісіng, thе bеttеr аnd mоrе ѕkіllеd thеу саn еvеntuаllу bесоmе. Adultѕ саn аlѕо bеnеfіt grеаtlу frоm rеgulаr trаіnіng іn thе mаrtіаl аrtѕ. Training together can help the whole family!
Agape BBC
Olympic Taekwondo
In international competitions, there are very few martial arts that are admitted to the biggest event of all: the Olympics. Taekwondo has earned that enviable position.
Agape BBC
At Agape Black Belt Center, we support the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of our martial arts family. To that end, we are pleased to offer a course in basic self-defense.
Agape BBC
After School
We have been working very hard to prepare another awesome school year for your children and are excited to announce that the new extension of our classroom, including a recreational area, reading corner, and arts and craft station is ready for use!!
I was worried that he would be just a number but among a sea of students but the Ra family take the time and energy to learn every student, their strengths and weakness i helping t
Phillip Maniaci
Each instructor here is outstanding and caring when it comes to the kids! I appreciate the activities they have throughout the year. there’s soooo much to say, I can go on and on.
I know that your team has been a great help with this and I want to say again thank you for everything.
Crystal Petit Frere
I plan on keeping my son enrolled for as long as possible. Any family would be fortunate to welcome Agape into their lives.
Agape Black Belt Center is the best thing that has happened to my daughter since we moved to Rochester in 2015.
The Agape family has played a critical role in shaping who my daughter is today. She is confident, independent, kind, and respectful.
One of the best learning schools for Taekwondo. Not only do the kids learn the skills but also discipline, integrity, and humility.
The staff is very welcoming and friendly, and it is hard not to be impressed by Instructor Bendschneider's flying breakfalls.
There is a wonderful sense of expertise, calm, and respect that is priceless at Agape.
My daughter was really nervous when she had her first class. Instructor Hailey and Instructor Tarah are so patient to guide her into the classroom and gave her confidence and help.
Best in the Rochester area.
Josh Jansen

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